Accessibility, Interpretation and Translation Support

The Colorado Department of Public Safety (CDPS) is dedicated to providing welcoming, inclusive, and accessible services to all Coloradans and beyond.


Report Digital Accessibility Barriers or Request Accommodations 

CDPS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in our online content, nor in our programs, services, activities, or employment practices. We are continually working to offer better online and in person experiences for everyone.

We encourage the public to report barriers to accessing content on CDPS websites or applications, and for individuals with disabilities to request accommodations when needed to access CDPS programs, services, events, or employment practices.

Examples of accommodation requests might include:

  • Alternative document format for online content (such as large print, Braille, or audiotape)
  • Sign language interpretation for a meeting or event

How to Report Digital Accessibility Barriers or Request Accommodations 

Please contact us through one of the following methods:

Instructions for Emailed Accessibility Requests

  • To report an issue (not requesting accommodation), please include these in your email:
    • Issue Type: For example, unable to access a web page or document with assistive technology, need to request documents in an alternative format, general question about digital accessibility, etc.
    • Issue Location: List the publicsafety.colorado.gov web page address (URL) you are trying to access, and the specific service or content you are trying to reach on that page.
    • Issue Details: Explain the barriers to accessing the CDPS web page or service, including assistive technology you are using, if applicable.
    • Request for Follow-Up: Tell us whether you would like us to follow up with you about the issue. If yes, please list your preferred email address. If you prefer a phone call, please list your phone number.
  • To request an accommodation, please include these in your email:
    • Barrier(s) to access:  Barriers you experience to accessing CDPS digital content, or barriers you anticipate facing at an upcoming CDPS meeting or event.
    • For digital content requests
      • Describe the accommodation you need for the CDPS website or digital service.
      • Specify the publicsafety.colorado.gov web page address (URL) where the material is located.
    • For meeting and event requests
      • Describe the accommodation you need for the CDPS meeting or event.
      • Details of the meeting, service, or event so we can identify it
      • Name and contact information of the CDPS employee hosting the meeting, service, or event (so we can alert them of your request)
    • Best way for us to contact you

Find State Accessibility Services 

  • Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind (CCDHHDB)
    • Connects people with support and resources to address the needs of the deaf, hard of hearing, and deafblind communities.
  • Aira, for On-Demand Visual Interpretation (available 24/7)
    • Free for up to 30 minutes per session, the Aira smartphone application provides live, on-demand visual interpretation with human-to-human assistance.
    • State of Colorado offers this service to reduce barriers to navigating state-operated buildings and digital services.
    • Learn how to get started by visiting the State of Colorado Aira Guide.
  • Relay Colorado, for Live Relay Services (available 24/7)
    • Free service that provides full telephone access to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, or speech-disabled.
    • Trained relay operators relay phone conversation between two callers so that those who use Teletypewriter (TTY) or Voice Carry-Over (VCO) phones can communicate with users of traditional (voice) phones.
    • Relay Colorado Telephone Numbers:
      • Teletypewriter (TTY):​ 711 or 800-659-2656
      • Voice: 711 or 800-659-3656
      • Voice Carry-Over (VCO): 711 or 877-659-8260
      • Hearing Carry-Over: ​711 or 800-659-2656
      • Speech-to-Speech: ​711 or 877-659-4279
      • Telebraille:​ 711 or 800-659-2656
      • Spanish Relay:​ 711 or 800-337-3242
      • Spanish Translation:​ 711 or 844-409-2451
      • ASCII:​ 711 or 800-659-4656

State of Colorado Accessibility Statement 

The State of Colorado is committed to providing equitable access to our services to all Coloradans.

Our ongoing accessibility effort works towards being in line with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.2, level AA criteria. These guidelines not only help make technology accessible to users with sensory, cognitive and mobility disabilities, but ultimately to all users, regardless of ability.

This website is just part of a meaningful change in making all State of Colorado services inclusive and accessible. We welcome comments on how to improve this site’s accessibility for users with disabilities and for requests for accommodations to any State of Colorado services.

To report accessibility concerns on a CDPS website or application, please contact us through one of the following methods:

Language Interpretation & Translation


Request Translation for a CDPS Webpage or Document 

CDPS is committed to providing equal access to all of our services and information. This includes our commitment to language-based access to ensure the public can engage with CDPS programs, services, and activities in a language they can understand. If you wish to request a translation of a CDPS web page or document in your native language, please contact us through one of the following methods:

Please note that the time to receive a professional translation may be several days. In the meantime, you can use the Google Translate button at the bottom of this page for a temporary translation. This works for most, but not all, Internet browsers. Google is a third-party provider, and CDPS is not responsible for the accuracy of the translation.

Request Interpretation for CDPS Meetings or Services 

CDPS provides reasonable language interpretation assistance, free of charge, upon request for CDPS meetings and services. Please note, if you need to request sign language interpretation, this is considered an accommodation for disability-related needs. See “Request Accommodations” section above for instructions. Otherwise, to request interpretation in your native language for a CDPS public meeting or service, please contact us through one of the following methods:

  • Option 1 (recommended): Complete the CDPS Issue Reporting, Accommodation and Translation Request Webform
  • Option 2: Email your event interpretation request to the CDPS Accessibility Team at CDPS_Accessibility@state.co.us. In your email, please include:
    • Your preferred language for interpretation
    • Details of the meeting, service, or event so we can identify it
    • Name and contact information of the CDPS employee hosting the meeting, service, or event (so we can alert them of your request)
    • Best way to contact you

Report Other Language Concerns 

CDPS is committed to ensuring the public can engage with our programs, services, and activities in a language they can understand. If you do not need translation or interpretation services, but you notice language barriers or errors on a CDPS website or application, please contact us through one of the following methods:

  • Option 1 (recommended): Complete the CDPS Issue Reporting, Accommodation and Translation Request Webform
  • Option 2: Email the language concern to CDPS Accessibility Team at CDPS_Accessibility@state.co.us. In your email, please include:
    • Location of Issue: For the web page or document where you found the issue, list the publicsafety.colorado.gov web page address (URL), and the name of the specific service or content with the issue.
    • Language Needed: Specify the language needed.
    • Request for Follow-Up: Tell us whether you would like us to follow up with you about the issue. If yes, please list your preferred email address. Or, if you prefer a phone call, please list your phone number.