School Access for Emergency Response Grant Program

The State of Colorado’s legislature allocated $4,850,000 for the Fiscal Year 2025 School Access for Emergency Response Grant Program. The Colorado Office of School Safety received 20 eligible grant applications for a total requested amount of $10,000,000.00. For this round of the School Access for Emergency Response grant 10 applicants were selected to receive funding as directed by SB23-241.  Thank you to all of those who applied for the FY2025 SAFER. 

Calhan School District$302,108
Durango R-9$168,086
East Central BOCES$1,845,759
Elizabeth School District$137,835
Harrison School District$751,500
North Conejos School District -NCSD$674,822
Pueblo School of Arts and Science$394,053
Sanford School District$132,634
Weld County School District- 6$306,415


 Previously posted -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Program Overview

The School Access for Emergency Response program (SAFER) enacted by SB18-158 provides funding for interoperable communication hardware, software, equipment maintenance and training to allow for seamless communications between existing school communications systems and first responder communications systems. Grant recipients may use the money received through the grant program to deliver training programs to teach effective communications with first responders in an emergency, to implement an interoperable technology solution to provide or upgrade a system for effective communication with first responders in an emergency, to maintain, improve, or provide interoperable communications hardware or software and for any necessary radio system capacity expansions where school loading has been determined to have a significant impact on public safety system loading.



Schools (school district/public school/charter school/board of cooperative services) and public safety communications system owners.


Allowable Use

Purchase and install interoperable communication hardware, software, equipment maintenance and training for communications between school communication systems and first responder communication systems.


Program Timeline:

Please see application and award timeline below.

  • Announcement and Application Handbook Available April 1,2024 
  • Application Submission Deadline May 6, 2024
  • Notification of Funding Recommendations June 10, 2024
  • Requests for Reconsiderations June 17, 2024



There will be a 1.5 hour webinar on April 11, 2024, at 10:30 am MST to give an intro to the OSS Grant Unit, go over the SSD Grant Program, review resources and commitments to the grant then end with questions.

You can register for the webinar online


Grant Documentation:


NOTE: Please clear your browser cache / history before downloading the application materials to ensure access to the latest updates.