The CSSRC provides free consultation, resources, training, and technical assistance to foster safe and secure learning environments, positive school climates, and early intervention to prevent crisis situations. We support schools and local agencies in their efforts to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from all types of emergencies and crisis situations. The Center is not a compliance agency, but rather a resource center for all schools, school officials, and community partners throughout the State of Colorado and beyond.
The mission of the Colorado School Safety Resource Center is to collaboratively assist local schools and communities to create safe and positive school environments for Colorado students in all pre-k and higher education schools.
No-cost trainings offered, upon request
The School Safety Resource Center houses full-time trainers in all manner of physical and psychological school safety topics, including threat and suicide assessment, child abuse prevention, bullying prevention, cyber safety, and multiple other topics on request. Training can be arranged statewide in person, or virtually online. The Regional Training Consultants(RTCs) operate in all four corners of Colorado, from the metropolis of Denver to the most remote parts of the state. Here is a list of frequently-requested training is provided here, and customizable training is also available. Contact us with needs, requests, and ideas.

Upcoming Trainings
The Office of School Safety has ongoing trainings available throughout the year, with presentations by top experts, and many are free to attend. Trainings that are not free, are low-cost, and the funds are only used to pay for the venue and catering. Please join us in one of our upcoming trainings, many subjects are covered.

Other services offered by the CSSRC
If you're looking for something else,
The Office of School Safety has these two other units to serve you