CSSRC Bullying Prevention and Intervention Materials
Positive School Climate: Bullying and Harassment Prevention and Education School Resource Guide
- This Colorado School Guide includes resources that may help to address bullying and harassment in schools. Compiled by the Colorado School Safety Resource Center in June 2014. Updated in May, 2020.
Strategies and resources to help identify, address, and prevent bullying and create safer school environments.
Key Considerations for Bullying Prevention Guide
This new guide from the National Center for School Safety presents key information that schools may wish to consider as they develop and maintain bullying prevention programs. Included in this resource: an overview of bullying, bullying prevention, context-specific considerations, information on youth engagement and empowerment, and resources related to the intersection of social media and bullying.
Colorado Model Bullying Prevention and Education Policy
This updated model policy was crafted with input from a stakeholder committee including families of students who have experienced bullying, public education students, community members and educational leaders. The package also includes sample bullying reporting and investigation forms as well as a flowchart to support leaders in their investigations.
The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) is authorized by C.R.S. 22-2-144, also known as "Ashawnty's Law," with developing a model bullying prevention and education policy (Model Policy). The purpose of the Model Policy is to provide guidance to school districts, charter schools, and the Charter School Institute when developing bullying prevention and education policies. As per the law, the development of the Model Policy is informed by research on the approaches, policies, and practices related to bullying prevention and education used by education providers in other states.
Other Bullying Prevention & Intervention Materials
Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
- No Place for Hate
- No Place for Hate was developed to partner with schools as a year-long initiative to develop projects, create a critical mass of students & staff to bring a message of inclusion and respect to the whole school to create a culture that is welcoming and safe for all. The Initiative can empower a whole school and provide students a voice to promote respect for individual and group differences while challenging prejudice and bigotry.
- A World of Difference Institute
- The Institute's programs and resources are designed to help participants:
- recognized bias and the harm it inflicts on individuals and society,
- build understanding of the value and benefits of diversity,
- improve intergroup relations and
- confront racism, anti-Semitism and all other forms of bigotry
- The Institute's programs and resources are designed to help participants:
- Bullying on Campus in the Electronic Age
- The December Dilemma: Navigating Religious Holidays in the Public Schools
- Empowering Students to Combat Bullying
- Facing Bias and Bullying: Educational Responses
- Using Current Events to Teach about Bias, Diversity and Social Justice
Bridging Refugee Youth and Children's Services (BRYCS)
- Bridging Refugee Youth and Children's Services (BRYCS) provides national technical assistance to organizations serving refugees and immigrants so that all newcomer children and youth can reach their potential.
- Refugee Children in U.S. Schools: A Toolkit for Teachers and School Personnel
- Tool 1: The Birthdates of Refugee Children and the Impact on Grade Placement
- Tool 2: Schools and Refugee-Serving Agencies: How to Start or Strengthen Collaboration
- Tool 3: Refugee Child Welfare: Guidance for Schools
- Tool 4: Refugee and Immigrant Youth and Bullying: Frequently Asked Questions
- Tool 5: Federal Requirements to Provide Interpretation/Translation in the Schools
Building Capacity to Reduce Bullying: Workshop Summary
- Published September 2014 by the National Academies' Institute of Medicine.
- On April 9 - 10, 2014, the Board on Children, Youth, and Families of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the National Research Council (NRC) held a 2-day workshop titled "Building Capacity to Reduce Bullying and Its Impact on Youth Across the Lifecourse". The purpose of this workshop was to bring together representatives of key sectors involved in bullying prevention to identify the conceptual models and interventions that have proven effective in decreasing bullying, to examine models that could increase protective factors and mitigate the negative effects of bullying, and to explore the appropriate roles of different groups in preventing bullying.
- CSSRC Staff Review (CSSRC | Oct. 2014)
The Bully Project
- "Bully" Lee Hirsch's moving and troubling documentary about the misery some children inflict upon others, arrives at a moment when bullying, long tolerated as a fact of life, is being redefined as a social problem. Watch the movie trailer.
- The Bully Project highlights solutions that both address immediate needs and lead to systemic change. Starting with the film's STOP BULLYING. SPEAK UP! Call to action, The Bully Project will catalyze audience awareness to action with a series of tools and programs supported by regional and national partners.
- A Guide to the Film BULLY: Fostering Empathy and Action in Schools, from Facing History and Ourselves, helps adult and student audiences confront the stories in this film and explore the meaning for their schools and their wider communities.
Bullying in Schools
- Published May 2012 by Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), the office of the U.S. Department of Justice that advances the practice of community policing in America's state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies.
- Perhaps more than any other school safety problem, bullying affects students' sense of security. The most effective ways to prevent or lessen bullying require school administrators' commitment and intensive effort, police interested in increasing school safety can use their influence to encourage schools to address the problem. This guide provides police with information about bullying in schools, its extent and its causes, and enables police to steer schools away from common remedies that have proved ineffective elsewhere, and to develop ones that will work.
Bullying, Sexual & Dating Violence Trajectories from Early to Late Adolescence
- Final grant research report submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) in May 2014
- Bullying perpetration in middle school is found to be predictive of sexual harassment and dating violence in high school for both boys and girls. The authors suggest that additional attention should be paid to teaching youth about healthy relationships and conflict management skills.
- Bullying and Harassment Resources for Schools at a Glance
- Best Practices in Bully Prevention and Intervention
- Steps To Address Bullying At Your School: Tips For School Administrators
- Providing Support To Children Who Are Bullied: Tips For School Personnel And Other Adults
- How To Intervene To Stop Bullying: Tips For On-The-Spot Intervention At School
- Misdirection in Bully Prevention
- Documenting Bullying for School Administrators
- Bullying Among Children and Youth on Perceptions and Differences In Sexual Orientation
- Bullying Among Children and Youth with Disabilities and Special Needs
- Dear Colleague Letter for schools regarding bullying and harassment (Oct. 2010)
- Bullying and Harassment Resources for Parents at a Glance
- Bullying and Cyberbullying Resource Links for Parents (CSSRC | Jan. 2020)
- Bullying At School and Online: Quick Facts for Parents (American Association of School Administrators | 2009)
- StopBullying.Gov provides information from various government agencies on how kids, teens, young adults, parents, educators and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying.
- Stop Bullying Now -The Campaign published by Stop Bullying Now, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the Health Resources and Services Administration
- Connect for Respect from the National PTA has supports for Bully Prevention
- Walk a Mile in Their Shoes: Bullying and the Child with Special Needs
Bullying and Trauma
- Information on bullying, its effects, and other resources related to the topic from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.
Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA
- Operating under the auspices of the School Mental Health Project at UCLA, the national Center for Mental Health in Schools was established in 1995. Our mission and aims are to improve outcomes for young people by enhancing the field of mental health in schools.
- The center receives a constant flow of information and resources, outreaches for more, and based on ongoing assessments and analyses of needs related to policy, practice, research, and training, develops new resources and networks and provides strategic support. A key aspect of this is a focus on the latest reports, evaluations, prevalence/incidence data, and empirically and evidence based outcome studies. All identified relevant resources are added to our clearinghouse and entered as topical links on our website's Quick Find for ready access.
- Education Leaders' Guide to Transforming Student and Learning Supports (Published - April 2014)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- A Comprehensive Technical Package for the Prevention of Youth Violence and Associated Risk Behaviors
- This technical package represents a select group of strategies based on the best available evidence to help communities and states sharpen their focus on prevention activities with the greatest potential to prevent youth violence and its consequences. These strategies include promoting family environments that support healthy development, providing quality education early in life, strengthening youth's skills, connecting youth to caring adults and activities, creating protective community environments, and intervening to lessen harms and prevent future risk.
- Bullying Research: Youth Bullying: What Does the Research Say
- The CDC works to understand and prevent bullying before it starts. Research is still developing and helps us to better understand and prevent bullying. School-based bullying prevention programs are widely implemented but not always evaluated. However, research suggests promising program elements include:
- Improving supervision of students
- Using school rules and behavior management techniques in the classroom and throughout the school to detect and address bullying by providing consequences for bullying
- Having a whole school anti-bullying policy, and enforcing that policy consistently
- Promoting cooperation among different professionals and between school staff and parents
- The CDC works to understand and prevent bullying before it starts. Research is still developing and helps us to better understand and prevent bullying. School-based bullying prevention programs are widely implemented but not always evaluated. However, research suggests promising program elements include:
- Bullying Surveillance Among Youths: Uniform Definitions for Public Health & Recommended Data Elements (Published Jan. 2014)
- The Bully-Sexual Violence Pathway in Early Adolescence (Published - Jan. 2014)
- CSSRC Staff Review - Jan. 2014
- The Relationship Between Bullying and Suicide: What We Know and What it Means for Schools (Published - April 2014)
- Understanding Bullying Fact Sheet Published 2013
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- vetoviolence.cdc.gov
- A Federal resource for communities working to prevent violence committed by and against young people.
- vetoviolence.cdc.gov
Children's Safety Network (CSN)
- Children's Safety Network National Resource Center for Injury and Violence Prevention is dedicated to working with state, territorial and community Maternal & Child Health and Injury &, Violence prevention programs to create an environment where all children and youth are safe and healthy. We work with states and territories to infuse knowledge, expertise, and leadership to reduce injury, hospitalization, disability and death for all children and youth.
- 2020 CSN Bullying Prevention Resource Guide:
- This guide provides links to a multitude of bullying prevention resources available to you. It is divided into six sections:
- Organizations and Websites
- Data and Data Sources
- Programs, Campaigns, and Resources
- Policies, laws and Legislation
- Publications
- At Risk Populations.
- The resources included in this guide are not meant to be comprehensive, nor are the listings intended as endorsements.
- This guide provides links to a multitude of bullying prevention resources available to you. It is divided into six sections:
Collaborative for Academic, Social & Emotional Learning (CASEL)
- The mission of CASEL is to establish social and emotional learning (SEL) as an essential part of education. They imagine a world where families, schools, and communities work together to promote children's success in school and life and to support the healthy development of all children.
CDE Colorado Bullying Prevention and Education Best Practices And Model Policy
- The Colorado Bullying Prevention and Education Best Practices and Model Policy was created in an effort to provide districts, families, and students with resources, tools, and a common understanding of what constitutes best practice for bullying prevention. This document includes the Colorado Bullying Prevention and Education Model Policy in response to House Bill 18-151 and was developed using the best practices described here.
Colorado Education Initiative (CEI)
- CEI helps teachers, school leaders, and district stakeholders to catalyze bold, comprehensive change in public education in Colorado. They share cutting-edge ideas in education, highlighting the work of educators who are leading the way, and engage in conversations in person and virtually that encourage debate and advance emerging topics in the education ecosystem.
- Measuring School Climate: A Toolkit for Districts and Schools: This toolkit was released in October 2012 through the contributions of individuals serving on the School Climate subcommittee of the Colorado Bullying Prevention Working Group representing critical community stakeholders and educational leadership statewide.
- Developed by Colorado Department of Education and Colorado Education Initiative (then Colorado Legacy Foundation) with assistance from Colorado School Safety Resource Center and the Gill Foundation.
- Effective approaches to addressing bullying focus on improving school climate as a key approach to prevent bullying in addition to teaching adults and students skills to appropriately respond to bullying when it occurs. Given the importance of school climate in bullying prevention, it is recommended that districts and schools focus on measuring school climate rather than narrowly focusing on measuring bullying. This toolkit provides guidelines for measuring school climate, assessing readiness, obtaining parent consent, using multiple sources of data to monitor climate, conducting a focus group, communicating your results, and includes a comparison of common climate surveys.
Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA)
- In pursuit of excellence, the Colorado High School Activities Association strives to create a positive and equitable environment in which all qualified student participants are challenged and inspired to meet their highest potential.
- Sample Anti-Bullying/Harassment Policy
Connect for Respect
- The National Parent Teachers Association (PTA) has supports for Bully Prevention. This website has resources for PTA leaders, Parent Tip Sheets, resolutions and position statements and resources related to bully prevention.
Creating a Safe and Respectful Environment in our Nation's Classrooms
- Created by the U.S. Department of Education Safe and Supportive Schools Technical Assistance Center
- This training toolkit is made up of two modules that address bullying in classrooms. Specifically, it is designed for trainers to assist teachers in cultivating meaningful relationships with students while creating a positive climate in the classroom.
- The research-based training gives teachers practical steps to take to respond to bullying. These skills include how to deescalate a situation, find out what happened, and support all of the students involved. The training also shows the importance of building strong relationships in the classroom, as well as creating an environment respectful of diversity, in order to prevent bullying.
Creating a Safe and Respectful Environment on our Nation's School Buses
- Created by the U.S. Department of Education Safe and Supportive Schools Technical Assistance Center
- This site contains a collection of presentations and training materials from national and state leaders, representatives of key education organizations, and other federal agencies who want to improve working conditions for our nation's school bus drivers, create a safe a respectful environment on our schools buses, and create confidence and partnerships in school with administrators, teachers, parents, students and community members.
Cyberbullying Research Center
- The Cyberbullying Research Center is dedicated to providing up-to-date information about the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of cyberbullying, and the negative use of social networking among adolescents.
- This web site provides cyberbullying research, stories, cases, downloads, fact sheets, online quizzes, tips and strategies, news headlines, a blog, and a number of other helpful resources on their comprehensive public service web site.
- Visit our "Other Online Training Page" to watch more webinars and other resourceful materials.
- Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying: Top Ten Tips for Teens (2002)
- Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying: Top Ten Tips for Teens (2018)
- Cyberbullying Fact Sheet: Identification, Prevention, and Response (2024)
Education Development Center
- The National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention (National Center) provides training and technical assistance (TA) to Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) and Project LAUNCH grantees. The mission of the National Center is to strengthen grantees' capacity in achieving their goals by offering services to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of their work.
- Preventing Bullying
Facing History and Ourselves
- Facing History was founded in 1976 by educators who wanted to develop a more effective and rewarding way to engage students. Facing History and Ourselves is an international educational and professional development organization whose mission is to engage students of diverse backgrounds in an examination of racism, prejudice, and antisemitism in order to promote the development of a more humane and informed citizenry.
- Bullying Resources
- A Guide to the Film Bully: Fostering Empathy and Action in Schools, helps adult and student audiences confront the stories in this film and explore the meaning for their schools and their wider communities.
- Safe and Engaging Schools
- Facing History's educational model helps students to develop an awareness of the power and danger of prejudice and discrimination, the experience of vulnerable groups in society, and the importance of solving differences through discussion and dialogue, not violence.
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
- GLSEN-the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, is a national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all students. Through research-based interventions, GLSEN provides resources and support for schools to implement effective and age-appropriate anti-bullying programs to improve school climate for all students.
- The 2019, National School Climate Survey Full Report [PDF]
- Changing the Game, the GLSEN Sports Project
- The GLSEN Sports Project's mission is to assist K-12 schools in creating and maintaining an athletic and physical education climate that is based on the core principles of respect, safety and equal access for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.
- Ready, Set, Respect! Elementary School Toolkit, was developed to help elementary educators ensure that all students feel safe and respected and develop respectful attitudes and behaviors. The GLSEN resource provides a set of tools to help educators prepare themselves for teaching about respect to students at the elementary school level.
- Safe Space Kit: Guide to Being an Ally to LGBT Students, Research shows that LGBT students with many supportive educators feel safer at school, skip fewer classes, and earn higher grades than students without supportive educators., The Safe Space Kit is designed to help educators create a safe space for LGBT students.
- Some Considerations When Working with LGBT Students of Color provides tips for supporting gender minority students of color, who have complex identities and face multiple forms of oppression.
- GroundSpark's landmark program, The Respect for All Project focuses on creating schools and communities that are safe for all young people.
- Building Support for Schools that Openly Affirm the Diversity of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: A Communications and Community Organizing Guide (Released | May 2014)
Healthy People 2020
- A service provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Prevent Bullying: Quick Tips for Parents
How Parents, Teachers & Kids Can Take Action to Prevent Bullying
- Website with supportive advice offered by the American Psychological Association (APA)
Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) Maternal & Child Health Bureau
- Assessing Prevention Capacity and Implementing Change contains two main tools developed for state health departments: the Bullying Prevention Capacity Assessment and the Bullying Prevention Change Package and Driver Diagram.
- Help Children Stay Healthy While Social Distancing
- During this time of social distancing, parents and caregivers play an important role in helping children stay healthy. This includes helping children remain positive, active, and connected to their friends and peers., Silence or lack of contact with friends can make some children feel rejected, insecure, or confused. Parents can help them, for example, by facilitating weekly video calls between children and their friends. They can create an art project together or discuss homework during their call.
Law Enforcement and Cyberbullying Fact Sheet
- Released November 2012 by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, with support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
- Contains tips for law enforcement to help prevent and respond to cyberbullying.
2019 Mesa County School District 51 Bullying PSA
- Bullying is a problem, and it has to stop. Learn the difference between bullying and mean behavior or peer conflict, find out where to get help, and what you can do to end bullying.
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Bullying Prevention Resources
- Bullying is an unacceptable behavior that adults and students have a responsibility to stop. Schools must have clear and comprehensive prevention practices and policies that address all forms of bullying and harassment and emphasize prevention, timely, consistent intervention, social-emotional supports victims and bullies, and clear, effective discipline. School psychologists work with educators, students, and families to ensure that every child feels safe at, and on the way to and from, school.
- A Framework for School-Wide Bullying Prevention and Safety (2012)
- A Guide for Understanding, Supporting, and Affirming LGBTQI2-S Children, Youth & Families (2014)
National Bullying Prevention Center
- Founded in 2006, PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center unites, engages and educates communities nationwide to address bullying through creative, relevant and interactive resources. PACER's bullying prevention resources are designed to benefit all students, including students with disabilities.
- PACER offers digital-based resources for parents, schools, teens and youth, including:
- PACER.org/Bullying: This is the portal page for parents and educators to access bullying resources, which include educational toolkits, awareness toolkits, contest ideas, promotional products and more.
- PACER TeensAgainstBullying: Created by and for teens, this website is a place for middle and high school students to find ways to address bullying, to take action, to be heard, and to own an important social cause.
- PACER KidsAgainstBullying: A creative, innovative and educational website designed for elementary school students to learn about bullying prevention, engage in activities and be inspired to take action.
National Education Association
- This campaign from the National Education Association (NEA) includes resources to prevent and respond to bullying, along with bullying tip sheets for education support professionals. NEA is the nation's largest professional employee organization and is committed to advancing the cause of public education.
- Research Brief: Importance of School Climate (Published - Nov. 2013)
- Series of Education Support Professionals (ESP) Perspectives on Bullying tip sheets:
One Colorado
- One Colorado is a statewide advocacy organization dedicated to securing and protecting equality and opportunity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Coloradans and their families.
- Facing Barriers: Experiences of LGBT People of Color in Colorado
- Published by One Colorado in October 2013.
- This report, which was developed by analyzing data from prior studies of LGBT Coloradans, shows in very clear ways the overwhelming challenges that LGBT people of color face in fulfilling life's opportunities - with a greater chance of meeting bias and victimization at every turn.
- Safe Schools Information
- Biased based bullying safe schools guide for educators, parents, and community members "That's So Gay: Ending Bullying and Harassment Against LGBT Students in Colorado Schools" (2011), developed in partnership with The Colorado Education Association and the Colorado Association of School Executives.
- Guidance for Educators Working with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students (2013)
- Written in collaboration with the Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB), the Colorado Association of School Executives (CASE), and the Colorado Education Association (CEA), this document provides practical guidance and resources to school districts, educators, and school communities working with and meeting the needs of transgender students.
Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)
- OVC is a component of the Office of Justice Programs - U.S. Department of Justice.
- Bullying publications and resources
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)
- Founded in 1972 with the simple act of a mother publicly supporting her gay son, PFLAG is the original ally organization. Made up of parents, families, friends, and straight allies uniting with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people, PFLAG is committed to advancing equality through its mission of support, education and advocacy.
- Cultivating Respect: Safe Schools for All
Policy and Advocacy Resources
- CDE Colorado Bullying Prevention and Education Best Practices And Model Policy
- The Colorado Bullying Prevention and Education Best Practices and Model Policy was created in an effort to provide districts, families, and students with resources, tools, and a common understanding of what constitutes best practice for bullying prevention. This document includes the Colorado Bullying Prevention and Education Model Policy in response to House Bill 18-151 and was developed using the best practices described here.
Prevention of Bullying in Schools, Colleges, and Universities: Research Report and Recommendations
- Published by the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in February 2013.
- The goals of this report are:
- To identify the causes and consequences of bullying in schools, colleges, and universities,
- To highlight training and technical assistance opportunities so that faculty and staff at all types of educational institutions may effectively address bullying,
- To evaluate the effectiveness of current anti-bullying policies and bullying prevention programs, and
- To assess the connections between bullying research and interventions and current and pending legislation.
Responding to Bullying: Tips for Educators
- Compiled by the Colorado School Safety Resource Center (January 2020)
StopBullying.Gov | SB.Gov en Español
- This new official website of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services contains valuable resources about bullying awareness, prevention and intervention for kids and adults.
- Bullying Prevention Training Course from stopbullying.gov: this Bullying Prevention Training Course provides guidance on how to take a public health approach to bullying prevention through the use of long-term, community-wide prevention strategies. Take the course, earn continuing education and make a difference today!
- Bullying and Children and Youth with Disabilities and Special Health Needs (Released Feb. 2014)
- Bullying, Harassment & Civil Rights: An Overview of School Districts' Federal Obligation to Respond to Harassment (Aug. 2014)
- Media Guidelines for Bullying Prevention
- Building a Safe Environment
- Prevention at School
- Kindness Works for a Positive School Climate
- Military-Connected Youth at an Increased Risk of Bullying
- How to Start the Conversation About Bullying
- Videos for Kids
- 10 Ways to Help your Child Build Resilience
- Can Kindness Overcome Bullying?
- Refresh Your Bullying Prevention Programs for Back to School
- StopBullying Blog
- Stop Bullying Now - The Campaign published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the Health Resources and Services Administration provided helpful information to parents and others.
- Community Action Toolkit | en Español (StopBullying.Gov)
Community Action Toolkit | CAT en Español
- Created by StopBullying.Gov, the toolkit includes materials to create a community event using the research, ideas and bullying prevention and response strategies from StopBullying.Gov. Using this Toolkit will help you plan, execute and assess your community event to prevent and stop bullying.
- Teens Bullying Information
- Tips for Responding to Bullying
- Understanding the Roles of Law Enforcement Officers in Community-Wide Bullying Prevention Efforts
- Understanding the Roles of Parents and Caregivers in Community-Wide Bullying Prevention Efforts (Released Jan. 2014)
- Understanding the Roles of Recreation Leaders in Community-Wide Bullying Prevention Efforts (Released Jan. 2014)
- Understanding the Roles of Youth Professionals and Youth Mentors in Community-Wide Bullying Prevention Efforts (Released Jan. 2014)
- User Guides tailored to 11 audiences that play a critical role in bullying prevention. (Released Jan. 2014)
- Youth Leaders' Toolkit
- This Toolkit is designed for a group of high school youth working together to prevent bullying. It will help you develop a project or campaign working with a group of elementary or middle school-aged children who design and launch their own Bullying Prevention Project or Campaign to raise awareness about bullying and to involve them as leaders in their school or organization. The main purpose of the Toolkit is to guide the discussions that will help you lead the Project Team as they develop their own project to address bullying.
- CSSRC Staff Review (2013)
Teaching Tolerance
- This site is a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center. A place for educators to find thought-provoking news, conversation and support for those who care about diversity, equal opportunity and respect for differences in schools that includes publications and classroom resources.
- Speak Up At School: How to Respond to Everyday Prejudice, Bias and Stereotypes
- Published in 2012
- This guide is for the adults in the school. It offers advice about how to respond to remarks made by students and by other adults and gives guidance for helping students learn to speak up as well. Modeling the kind of behavior we want from students is one of the most effective ways of teaching it.
- Professional Development with Speak Up At School
Trans Youth Education & Support (TYES)
- TYES is a Colorado-based, state-wide group supporting all gender nonconforming children and their families. TYES is dedicated to helping parents support their gender nonconforming children, and to help families find the information, resources, and the understanding that they need.
U.S. Center for Safe Sport
- The U.S. Center for SafeSport® is an independent nonprofit organization responsible for responding to and preventing emotional, physical, and sexual misconduct and abuse in the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. The Center also serves as an educational resource for sports organizations at all levels, from recreational sports organizations to professional leagues.
- The center released this handbook to help combat bullying and harassment. This resource contains information about abuse and
misconduct in sport but will not include graphic descriptions or images of violence. The content may be uncomfortable or trigger trauma for some participants.
U.S. Department of Education
- Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)
- Dear Colleague Letter for schools regarding bullying and harassment of students with disabilities (Aug. 2013)
- Enclosure: Effective Evidence-based Practices for Preventing and Addressing Bullying
- Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
- The agency has devoted an increasing amount of its resources to assisting parents, students, schools and colleges in preventing civil rights problems and in addressing civil rights concerns at the local level. By providing guidance and resource information to the public, we believe that students, parents, schools and colleges will better understand civil rights requirements and will have the tools to address these issues locally in many instances.
- Prevention support page
- Dear Colleague Letter for schools regarding bullying and harassment of students with disabilities (Oct. 2014)
- Dear Colleague Letter for schools regarding bullying and harassment (Oct. 2010)
- Confronting Anti-LGBTQI+ Harassment in Schools: A Resource for Students & Families
- It is important to know that discrimination against students based on their sexual orientation or gender identity is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by federal law. It is also important that LGBTQI+ students feel safe and know what to do if they experience discrimination.
- It is important to know that discrimination against students based on their sexual orientation or gender identity is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by federal law. It is also important that LGBTQI+ students feel safe and know what to do if they experience discrimination.