The Colorado School Safety Resource Center has created five resource guides to assist your district in addressing some of the most challenging issues facing schools today. Each guide can be downloaded from the CSSRC Website, and they are updated annually.
Essentials of Threat Assessment: Preventing Targeted School Violence
This resource guide walks a school team through the rationale of threat assessment, the steps necessary to conduct the process, and a sample response. Staff at the Colorado School Safety Resource Center provide this training at no charge to any school in Colorado.
Positive Schools Environment: Bullying and Harassment Prevention and Education
Beginning with the ten best practices in bullying prevention, avoiding misdirections in bullying prevention, and questions to ask as you explore an intervention, this guide also covers Colorado agencies and organizations that conduct this training in schools. Also includes evidence-based pro- grams for addressing bullying.
Resources for Child Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention
This guide covers all the topics upon which mandatory reporters need to be proficient as well as evidence-based and best practice programs for addressing child sexual abuse, dating violence, trafficking of children, and comprehensive sexual health education of children. Guide also includes government programs addressing these issues statewide.
Resources for Youth Suicide Prevention and Intervention
An ongoing challenge for schools is to create a culture that curtails youth suicide. This guide provides descriptions of effective programs, according to the target audience. Also included is information on screening tools, and other resources to help your school address this issue.
Restorative Practices Guide for the Schools
The most recent addition to the CSSRC guides covers restorative practices programs for schools available in Colorado and other state, national, and international resources. Restorative practices are processes in schools that help create positive learning environments and enable healthy ways of addressing conflict.
NEW - - Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) advances educational excellence and equity through partnerships involving school, family, and community. These partnerships establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation.
Other CSSRC Training Options Available Upon Request
We can offer your school or district no-cost training, consultation, or technical assistance to meet your training needs. Please contact the School Safety Resource Center at 303-239-4435 or
Colorado School Safety Resource Center Flyer