Gun Violence Prevention

Colorado Gun Violence Prevention Resource Bank

  • This website is intended to be a resource for individuals and communities to understand what firearm injury and violence look like in Colorado—and to explore solutions and approaches, informed by research, that may reduce the overall burden of firearm injuries and deaths.

Five Facts About Mass Shootings in K-12 Schools

  • Preventing mass shootings in the United States, particularly those occurring in school settings, is an important priority for families, government leaders and officials, public safety agencies, mental health professionals, educators, and local communities. What does the evidence say about how to detect, prevent, and respond to these tragic events?

    A new fact sheet details five key lessons about what we've learned from NIJ-supported research, including helpful resources for school communities.

Every Incident of Mishandled Guns in Schools

  • Armed adults frequently mishandle their guns in schools. Arming teachers wouldn't decrease risk to students - it would increase their risk. Our comprehensive analysis finds there have been more than 70 publicly reported incidents of mishandled guns at schools in the last five years. (Retrieved from: Gifford's Law Center Article | Kelly Drane - Aug. 2019).

Teachers Barred from Carrying Guns in New York Schools

  • In the aftermath of the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., President Trump embraced a proposal to arm teachers as a way to prevent further mass shootings in schools. His support for the idea, which had been proposed by the National Rifle Association, invigorated a nationwide debate over whether the people educating children should also bear the responsibility of wielding firearms to protect them. In New York, the answer from state lawmakers was a firm no. (Retrieved from: New York Times Article| Michael Gold - July 2019).

Arming Teachers Introduce New Risks Into Schools

  • Seeking a response to the tragedy of school shootings, legislators in some states have eschewed proven solutions that approach the problem from every angle and have been seduced by the risky and false idea that arming teachers and school staff will make our schools safe. In fact, an armed teacher cannot, in a moment of extreme duress and confusion, be expected to transform into a specially trained law enforcement officer. An armed teacher is much more likely to shoot a student bystander or be shot by responding law enforcement than to be an effective solution to an active shooter in a school. Our leaders should instead pursue an evidence-based intervention plan that addresses what we know about school gun violence. For more information about evidence-based school safety solutions, visit: everytownresearch.org/school-safety. Everytown Research.org May 2019 (PDF - 129 KB)

School Safety: Guns in Schools

  • Firearms remain at the center of the school safety debate as gun control and the prospect of arming school personnel garner national attention. Although it is only a small fraction of the school safety discussion, states continue to examine K-12 _rearms statutes. The vast majority of states generally prohibit _rearms in K-12 schools, however, almost all make some exception to their laws. The table below captures state statutes allowing and prohibiting _rearms on K-12 grounds. (Source: National Conference of State Legislatures | Benjamin Erwin - March 2019)

14 Arming Teachers Pros and Cons - Should Teachers Be Armed?

  • Should instructors be permitted to carry a gun to school with them in this era of school shootings and mass casualties? These are the pros and cons of arming teachers to consider. (Retrieved from: Future of Working Blog | Natalie Regoli - March 2019).

Keeping Our Schools Safe: A Plan to Stop Mass Shootings and End Gun Violence In American Schools

  • In this report, the nation's largest education unions and its largest gun safety organization are joining together to present a plan that combines carefully tailored gun safety policies with school-based intervention strategies. Using data to paint the full picture of what gun violence looks like on school grounds and drawing upon research and recommendations from school safety experts, Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, the American Federation of Teachers, and the National Education Association have crafted a plan focused on intervention that can prevent mass shooting incidents and help end gun violence in American schools. Keeping Our Schools Safe: A Plan to Stop Mass Shootings and End Gun Violence In American Schools | Everytown Research and Policy - Feb. 2019 (PDF - 129 KB)

Arming teachers: Pros and Cons

  • President Trump's proposal to arm teachers in response to school shootings has touched off a national debate over whether it was feasible or safe to expect teachers and school staff to act as a deterrent or a first line of defense in the event of an active shooter. Politicians and groups for and against guns quickly took sides on the proposal after Trump sent out a series of tweets adding some detail. (Source: archive.triblive.com | Matthew Santoni - Feb.2018)