Concurrently Enrolled Students

Colorado Higher Education Data and Reports

  • This section provides information on student enrollment, degrees awarded, ethnicity, gender and other statistics often requested for the public institutions in the state of Colorado. In this searchable database section, you may build queries summarizing various demographic categories. Data is available on enrollment, degrees awarded, and degrees offered. If you are seeking detailed information regarding historical enrollment and degrees awarded, you may view static reports of this data.

Managing the Risk of Minors on Campus Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. - (2012)

  • The 2012 Arthur J. Gallagher Think Tank for Higher Education Risk Management addressed the challenges of managing the risks of minors on college campuses. The intended audience for this publication includes higher education risk managers, administrators and anyone responsible for minors on campus, whether in an advisory or supervisory capacity. Among the topics discussed and addressed are prevention of molestation and sexual abuse, premises liability and bodily injury risks, and reputational risks.

Planning for the Safety of Minors: Routine and Emergency Situations

  • The National Center for Campus Public Safety offers a free, on-demand webinar.

  • Colleges and universities can download the United Educators' checklist (PDF) of behavioral standards for adults interacting with minors on campus.

Reunification of Concurrently Enrolled Students




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