
Upcoming Trainings

If you have ANY special accommodations necessary for trainings i.e. sign language interpretation, dietary restrictions, etc. please be sure to contact the Office of School Safety at least ten days prior to the event. Otherwise, we may not have time to meet your needs. Thank you!

List of Upcoming Trainings

Options for Training on Request

Adult Sexual Misconduct in Schools: Prevention & Management

  • Sponsored by The Colorado School Safety Resource Center and the Colorado Association of School Boards
    • Designed for: administrators, human resources professionals, school board members and any other interested parties
    • Arrange a two-hour video-based workshop at your site
    • No charge for Colorado participants


Mandated Reporting of Child/Sexual Abuse: Training for School Staff

  • Presented by the Colorado School Safety Resource Center
  • Designed for all staff including, administration, health aides, teachers and paras, food service and transportation, and facilities staff.
  • This 90 minute session provides a framework to identify physical, sexual and emotional abuse and neglect, and instructions to satisfy the staff's statutory mandate to report under Colorado law. Presented free of charge.


Threat Assessment in Schools: Best Practices Overview

  • The Colorado School Safety Resource Center (CSSRC) has hosted this training across the state and would be more than happy to provide it for your school or district at no cost.
  • A well-trained threat assessment team--administrator, mental health professional and law enforcement professional--is a vital part of a comprehensive safe schools’ violence prevention program. This is a six-hour training that includes the rationale behind threat assessment, the research of the U.S. Secret Service and procedures for conducting a TA at a school. A best practice protocol can be provided for districts that do not have currently have a protocol. Time is also devoted to scenario discussions. The training is provided by the CSSRC’s team of experienced trainers who are also available to review the district’s protocol.


Overview of School Suicide Prevention & Intervention Overview

  • The CSSRC has hosted these trainings at other sites across the state and would be more than happy to bring either or both of these trainings to your school or district at no cost.
  • In the 2017 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey, 17% of Colorado high school students, and 18.8% of middle school students, reported that they had thought about killing themselves within the past 12 months. 13.1% of high school students also said they had thought about a suicide plan in the past year, along with 12.6% of middle school students. The number and rate of youth suicides in Colorado continue to rise. This workshop will present an overview of the essential elements for a school’s comprehensive suicide strategy, including prevention, intervention, and postvention recommendations. Guidance from our 2018 best practices working group and sample tools will be shared. This training is provided by CSSRC’s School Outreach Consultant.


Youth Mental Health First Aid (for adults working with youth)

  • The Colorado School Safety Resource Center in partnership with Mental Health First Aid Colorado, now offers Youth Mental Health First Aid as part of its trainings for Colorado schools and districts.
  • There is no cost for this training, but you must attend the entire day in order to receive a certificate.
  • Through our certification course, you\'ll become a certified Mental Health First Aider. We\'ll teach you how to respond to someone with a mental health challenge. You\'ll learn the signs, evidence-based actions and how to connect those in crisis to support systems that can help them recover.
  • Mental Health First Aid is for everyone. The course has been tested, proven, and tailored to meet a range of unique perspectives and experiences.


Other CSSRC Training Options Available Upon Request